I just wanted to send a note on how much we have come to like your product.. My Captain had recently acquired a demonstration model of the Doty Belt for us to try from our supply distributor. When we received it, he gave me and other members of our department a demonstration of how to deploy and use the belt. It turned out to be incredibly handy.
Yesterday we responded to a woman down in our township. We arrived to find the fire department already on location reporting a female in excess of 280 lbs. down in a narrow hallway of her home. I pulled the Doty Belt bag from our truck. The hardest part was applying the belt to the patient due to her position in the hallway. Once we got the belt secured onto the patient, we moved her into a seated position, my partner, one firefighter and I were able to lift her to her feet in less than 20 seconds! The members of the fire department were so impressed, they asked where we got the belt from so they could order one.
Needless to say, when we got back to the station and I saw the Captain, my partners and I told him what we had done with the belt and requested he order one for each truck in our fleet.
Your product made lifting this patient so effortless, I would recommend this product for any department that has to deal with lift assist calls on a regular basis. Thank you for making a quality, useful product.
Edward J McMahon
Laurel Lake Fire and Rescue
EMS Division
Commercial Twp., NJ
We absolutely love the Doty belt. This device is simple and small yet robust and will save our backs.
Unicoi County EMS
Lieutenant / Training Officer
Mr. Doty. In the past few weeks I have personally had the opportunity to use the belts that you sent us. I will tell you that I have use all kinds of contraptions during my service to assist people up from ground level, most of which were improvised. Your device is the ultimate choice as far as my squad is concerned. We are able to assist patients to stand with minimal effort and control them while standing. but, the best testimonies come from the patients. As you know, all service areas have a few patients that require regular assistance. Every one of these folks have made remarks as to how easy it was to stand while we were using your belts, but their final comments were “Why haven’t you been using it before”. As I see it, they are your biggest fans. Thank you for your support of our squad and the people that we serve.
Tom Kitts
Captain, Bland County Rescue Squad
September 28, 2022
Hey Glen, I just finished the presentation to the department with the Doty Belts, they all loved it!
Pete VanNess
Captain | Liberty Fire Dept. Station
February 6, 2015
Mr. Doty: we received the lift assist harness from you I believe on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 via UPS, and we cannot tell you how great this belt is! We are currently caring for my 90 yr old mother who is no longer weight-bearing due to significant muscle wasting from a previous hip replacement surgery, and prior to receiving the belt both me and my wife were physically struggling to lift her from her wheelchair to her hospital bed routinely throughout the day. Although we believe are can give her the best possible care, we feared we would injure ourselves by lifting her everyday. However, in just two(2) days, we cannot believe how much safer and easier it is for both of us to lift and move her throughout the day. This is the greatest invention since sliced-bread. We just wanted to give you a shout-out/ kudos for this great innovative device that can definitely [safely]assist someone who is caring for the elderly. Although you have received numerous positive reviews from EMT workers who have used your assistive lift harness, we believe this could benefit many adult children who are caring for their elderly parents. We could not be more happy with your product.
Mark and Patricia Collins
Haymarket, VA
October 16, 2015
Love the Doty Belt. We like them so much that I want to have them on all are rigs.
Cody Doucette
EMS Operations Supervisor
Divine Savior Healthcare
February 6, 2015
The Doty Belt is definitely a back saver for us! and the fall patients we help are definitely grateful we use the Doty Belt!
Shaun Navarra
Firefighter/Paramedic LPFD
July 17, 2015
I can not find enough words to say thank you for this fantastic product. (The Doty Lift Assist Harness) I am the full time care giver to my 91 year old mother who is not able to ambulate on her own very well any longer. Recently, she attempted to walk on her own and fell. With the assistance of my brother, we were easily able to lift her from the floor to her chair with no injury to any of us. As a matter of fact, we were able to lift her so quickly and smoothly, that she was in her chair before she was even able to get scared from what happened…. I recommend this product to ANYONE AND EVERYONE who is either a care giver, or in the medical field. This product is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!
Pamela Christenson
Private Citizen (former EMT-D)
December 17, 2018
Just wanted you to know how pleased we are with the harness we recently purchased. Originally we purchased it because of several incidents where my wife collapsed to the floor due to neuropathy from the cancer treatments she’s received. Since then she’s started physical therapy and we use the harness several times a day as a safety net as she walks using her walker. I follow behind her with a firm grasp on two handles, ready to help her keep standing if she needs the help. It makes her feel much more safe knowing that she’s not alone. The harness has been a tremendously helpful tool in my wife’s recovery.
September 4, 2015